

  • Recommendation 1: Implementation of an Industrial Transfer Instrument for semiconductor packaging bridging the gap between prototyping and production.
  • Recommendation 2: Establish a High-Level Packaging Board composed of industry leaders to guide strategic directions driven by market needs, ensuring innovation in packaging standards and practices 
  • Recommendation 3: Implementation of a technical expert group for developing and updating a Roadmap for Advanced Packaging in Europe.
  • Recommendation 4: Creation of Open Piloting Facilities for small and medium volume production as a seed for growing European Advanced Packaging capabilities.
  • Recommendation 5: Development of tools and methodologies for a Design-to-X approach & Standardisation for an OPEN European Co-Design Ecosystem.
  • Recommendation 6:  Consolidate international relationships through open calls on Sustainable Packaging Materials and Substrates.
  • Recommendation 7:  Bridging research and education and facilitating international exchange on training through an EU Education Hub  :
  • Recommendation 8: A Support for Small and Medium Enterprises through dedicated open calls applying cascade funding schemes.
  • Recommendation 9: Creation of a Pan-European Network for Advanced Packaging to federate and strengthen the European ecosystem